Book: Health and Fitness
Most of the people who say that they ‘don’t like the taste of tea’, it is probably because they prepare their cup of tea incorrectly, this can create a misconception and leave a bad taste that can last a lifetime.
Today we discover how to make tea correctly, taking into account the temperatures and infusion times required for the different varieties.
Most restaurants, coffee shops, and also people at home who serve tea, try to save time and prepare practically all teas in the same way, with the same water and temperature.
To prepare a good tea you don’t have to have a PhD, but it is not as simple as pouring it into boiling water and letting it steep infinitely, there are easy ways to achieve a perfect cup of tea.
Tea is the second most popular drink in the world, and of course, water is the most widely consumed in the world. Approximately 1.8 to 2 billion cups of tea are drunk daily.
Most of us put a glass of water in the microwave for a minute and have a hot drink almost immediately. And it is that not all teas are the same, nor are they all prepared in the same way, because to appreciate all the nuances of flavor that each variety offers us, we must take into account that the temperatures and infusion times are not the same for all varieties.
The Perfect Cup of Tea must be respected five things: Water, Amount of Tea, Temperature, Time, and the Container.
Good water will change the flavor of sorbet, coffee, and even pasta and for tea, it’s just as essential. It is best to use freshwater because when the water boils, oxygen is released and therefore you cannot get the best cup of tea when the water has been repeatedly re-boiled.
Well, since it depends on where we live and that we are not always there doing analyzes (and we do not necessarily want to load 12 bottles of special water just for tea, which understand us?), we were advised to use tap water and a filter.
When you use too much tea, the result will be a bitter tea and if not, too little tea will make a weak cup with a feeling of not feeling any of the tea.
The volume that is considered is the appropriate ratio of leaves to water, it is a teaspoon for most teas (approx. 2 grams) per 200 ml that a cup of tea usually has.
At the end of the day, you choose with your eye and taste if you want a slightly stronger or softer tea and thus choose the appropriate amount.
The infusion time and the temperature of the water when pouring it on the tea strands are essential for the correct preparation of the tea. Both the temperature of the water and the infusion time depend on the type of tea that is being prepared.
The optimal temperature of the water with which we will make the infusion can vary between 650C and 990C (just before the water starts to boil) and the times vary between 1 and 6 minutes.
It is a tea that is made with the dehydrated shoots of the plant when the leaf has not yet opened. It does not undergo fermentation and its flavor is very smooth and delicate.
Water Temperature: 65 – 700C | Steeping time: 1 – 2 minutes
It is a tea whose leaves have been dehydrated and rolled but have not undergone any fermentation process, so its properties and nutrients are practically intact. It is greenish in color and the taste is very refreshing.
Water Temperature: 75 – 800C | Steeping time: 1 – 2 minutes
This is one of the best green tea for weight loss.
It is a tea similar to green tea, but with a shorter drying time during which the leaves turn yellow. Although it is very popular in China, it is now that it begins to be known in the West.
Water Temperature: 70 – 750C | Steeping time : 1 – 2 minutes
Also called Oolong tea, it is a tea halfway between green and black with oxidation not as long as that of the latter that gives it a slightly bluish tone. Its flavor is more similar to that of green tea than that of black, but it does not have the herbal nuances as marked as green tea.
Water Temperature: 80 – 850C | Steeping time : 2 – 3 minutes
It is also known as pu-erh.
After dehydration and drying, the leaves go through a fermentation phase and then go through a maturation process that can last several years. The flavor is earthy and the infusion has a coppery hue.
Water Temperature: 90 – 990C | Steeping time : 2 – 3 minutes
After dehydration, the black tea leaves are subjected to a long oxidation process, after which the variety of tea with the highest theine content is obtained. The infusion is reddish and has a sweet taste.
Water Temperature: 95 – 990C | Steeping time : 2 – 3 minutes
A container also plays a vital role to make a Perfect Cup of Tea.
It is best to use a kettle or at least an unused pot for cooking. This is because the flavors of food, which you would have previously cooked in the pan, are “revived” by heat and dissolve in water. And give it their aromas.
There are some commercial kettles that allow the water to automatically stop heating when it has reached the temperature you have chosen. Other kettles have pre-programmed temperatures.
Again, the choice of container will depend on the tea.
To start, a white porcelain teapot is the easiest to use. It allows you to prepare all the teas there because it washes (contrary to what we hear everywhere!).
The teapots that you do not (especially) wash with dish soap are the Yixing clay teapots. This earth being very porous, it absorbs the aromas and releases them during the next infusion. The taste of the washing-up liquid will therefore not be welcome!
Tea is a fragile product, it does not like light too much, so it is better not to choose a transparent glass teapot. Unless you drink it quickly. It is also true that certain teas (such as tea flowers) must be prepared in a transparent container in order to see them open under the effect of the heat of the water.
Black tea and green tea come from the same Camellia Sinensis plant. The main difference between black tea and green tea lies in the manufacturing process.
In making Black Tea, the tea leaf is fermented when exposed to hot air. During this chemical oxidation process, the leaves change color from green to a bright copper color. The fermented leaf is then put in a chamber where the hot air prevents any chemical reaction. The temperature to which the tea has been subjected will determine the keeping qualities of the tea. Once the cooking process is completed, the leaves harden and acquire their black color.
Why this tea fermentation process? It may have been devised to improve the preservation of tea and facilitate its storage for longer periods of time.
The popularity of black tea has grown enormously in Europe and America and today many people prefer black tea. There are many ways in which black tea can be consumed (alone, with milk, spiced with ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom) and its variants and blends are unlimited.
The black tea contains minerals such as calcium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, aluminum, and fluorine. A cup of tea also provides us with flavonoids, a type of antioxidant with many beneficial properties for humans. And mainly, it has a greater stimulating capacity. Its caffeine level is much higher than that of green tea, being able to provide between 25 and 110 mg per cup, depending on its degree of fermentation.
As Green Tea is not fermented and it is not heat-treated, it preserves its color and a greater amount of the active components of the tea leaf. A cup of green tea also contains minerals, although a less stimulating capacity due to its low caffeine content and greater antioxidant activity. Among its benefits, we highlight that green tea favors diuresis.
This natural diuretic effect stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body and prevents fluid retention. On the other hand, it needs a shorter infusion time, usually less than 3 min, to prevent the tea from turning bitter.
These two types of teas have many varieties, each with its own distinctive flavor. They can be classified according to their place of origin, their level of oxidation, their color.
Flavored Tea can be black or green tea. Natural aromas or other additives such as dried flowers as in Jasmine Green Tea are added to the tea leaves.
Tea can be taken at any time of the day, given the wide variety that we can find.
An infusion of tea contains less caffeine than a coffee since tea is normally prepared in a much more diluted infusion. Black tea is usually more exciting and stimulating than green tea, but everything will depend on the concentration that we use to prepare the infusion.
Indicative caffeine content for:
When you wake up and in the morning, a stimulating black tea is ideal.
In the afternoon or if you want to be more relaxed you can have a nice green tea.
But if you are a lover of black tea and you are worried that it will take your sleep away, you can prepare a less exciting black tea, using this simple trick.
There are teas to which cold infusions feel better than others. A good example is strong teas with sweet flavors such as red or black teas.
The main difference is that the hot water extracts all the flavors and nutrients from the tea much faster. So to make a good cold tea we must let it infuse for hours, to the extreme of leaving it overnight in the refrigerator. Being cold water, it is very difficult for it to become bitter because tannins are the last elements to be extracted. We can also prepare cold tea faster, in a couple of hours but using much more tea.
Or make a regular tea and chill it instantly, this is what is usually done in tea shops. Prepare it hot, mix it with ice, and stir well. The least recommended is to prepare the hot tea and leave it in the fridge for hours, so it will oxidize, it will not be as vibrant and it will lose flavor and body.
I prefer to make a normal hot infusion first and then use the same leaves to make cold tea. It can be your last tea of the night, then leave it in the fridge with cold water and become your first tea the next day. The assamica variety from the Lake of the Sun and the Moon is famous because when it is prepared cold, it brings out the natural honey flavor.
One of the questions that we are always asked is whether or not it is good to put sugar in teas. To sweeten or not to sweeten, that is the question.
It will be the type of tea that we are going to prepare and how we plan to drink it that will make us decide how we will drink it.
The ideal to sweeten the tea from a healthy and balanced perspective are undoubtedly natural and ecological products, thus avoiding synthetic and harmful products that in the long run can cause serious health problems, but take into account that tea can drink without sugar if you wish, and it’s all a matter of taste.
In this case, adding Brown Sugar, Honey, Panela, Stevia or another type of sweetener will enhance the flavors of the flowers, fruits, spices, or other components.
Do you know how to make tea at home for weight loss? Many people are dissatisfied with the weak effects of weight loss diets and completely forget that the cause of excess weight is not only over nutrition but also improper metabolism.
Tea can be used to lose weight to normalize the work of the whole body and create conditions for rapid weight loss. This drink is based on a collection of herbs that activate metabolism and has a slight laxative and diuretic effect.
Not all slimming teas, the ones sold in our shop are just as useful. Most of them simply cause diarrhea and dehydration of the body, causing the illusion of weight loss.
In fact, such drinks are extremely dangerous to human health and can lead to dysfunction, frequent constipation and malnutrition (especially potassium, its deficiency causes weakness and renal dysfunction).
Therefore the best slimming teas make you from the components you know. You can prepare the best tea for weight loss at home.
This herbal tea helps normalize the work of the entire organism, remove toxins and improve gastrointestinal function.
We also want to note the fact that herbal preparation only helps in the struggle for an ideal figure. Without daily physical activity and a balanced diet, the kilogram goes very slowly.
It is a mistake to think that rinsing herbal tea with sweet bread, cookies, and candies will result in weight loss. It is effective without even the need to add sugar or honey to herbal tea.
Effective weight loss tea if you plan to cook yourself, you need to know which plant is best for this.
The most effective fat burners and body cleaners from toxins are considered ginger tea. Adding ginger to weight loss tea can promote metabolism in the body. Also, using ginger as a seasoning reduces your appetite, and you can only eat a very small amount.
Another valuable element of weight loss tea is which contains antioxidants that boost metabolism and burn fat.
If you drink green tea with honey daily to lose weight and at the same time give up on fatty foods and muffins altogether, your body will quickly become slender and lean.
But for this, you need to find really high-quality green tea (not in the bag), preferably oolong tea. Then the results will come soon.
To make a tea for weight loss, dandelion root, St. John’s wort, fennel, chamomile, mint, and lemon are also good choices. We offer some interesting tea recipes that will help you improve your well-being and, at the same time, get rid of excess weight.
So we continue to see the recipes that allow you to independently prepare wonderful and highly effective teas to get rid of excess weight.
To prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of lemon balm and mint leaves. Pour boiling water over them and leave for a few minutes. This tonic tea can be used not only for weight loss but also for colds. This is the best tea for bloating.
Pour boiling water over tea leaves (70 degrees or less) to make ordinary green tea. Wait 5-7 minutes, then add a little dry ginger to the tea, pour into a thermos and infuse for 30-40 minutes. This tea burns excess calories and helps improve skin tone.
Slice the ginger root, add cold water and heat. When the water boils, bring it to a boil for 15 minutes and remove from heat.
Wait for the drink to cool a little and add the honey with lemon to it. This preserves the valuable elements of all the ingredients of tea and is very helpful to the body.
Mint or lingonberry leaves can be added to it to give the drink a pleasant aroma.
Tea is prepared in two stages. First, take a spoonful of finely chopped raspberry leaves and fill with a glass of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
Then add fresh berries to the tea. They can be pre-milled in another glass. Such vitamin drinks reduce appetite, normalize blood sugar levels and please you with its pleasant raspberry flavor.
To prepare it, you need several ginger roots and garlic cloves in a 1: 1 ratio. Grind ginger and garlic and fill with boiling water. Place the tea in a glass and enjoy for 15-20 minutes.
It burns fat well and helps you lose weight quickly. Instead of garlic, you can add pepper and ground cloves to the ginger tea. The effect will be the same.
Brew black or green tea. Then add finely chopped or grated green apples to it. Rest for 5-7 minutes. This drink helps get rid of excess cholesterol and stimulates the process of losing weight.
The basis of this drink is green tea with crushed ginger root and buckthorn. Tea has a laxative effect and removes toxins from the body well.
First, grind the dried ingredients (fresh mint leaves and ginger) in a blender. Add the mashed cardamom whisper to them and pour boiling water over everything. Infuse the drink for 30-40 minutes.
Then filter and add lemon juice and orange juice. As you can see, the process of losing weight can be a lot of fun. Pay attention to our recipes and complement you with delicious herbal teas. This tea is one of the best tea for bloating.
Now we know how to prepare the best tea for weight loss. Tea is a really unique drink. I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t like tea or doesn’t drink it. Tea also helps to rejuvenate the body, increase brain activity, improve memory and lose weight.
You can use a special collection of delicious and healthy teas to ensure you lose a few pounds of extra weight. They are designed to improve metabolism, which results in the breakdown of body fat. And it’s very easy to make such tea at home.
Slimming teas are made from Senna Plant. This medicated tropical plant with a pleasant scent has long been used as a laxative. It also has a mild bile secretion promoting effect.
It is advisable to use raw materials that are compressed into granules. Each time you brew tea, add one Sena leaf to the cup. Teas should be taken early in the morning or before bedtime, as the effect will appear after 6-8 hours. You are not allowed to drink the tea for more than a week. The plant is addictive.
Slimming tea recipes often include citrus peels. Almost all citrus fruits contain the bitter flavonoid naringenin, which is the leader of grapefruit. Naringenin, which is found in citrus fruits, improves liver function and promotes the breakdown of body fat.
To make tea, you need to grind a fresh or dry skin of a grapefruit into a glass container and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it. You can drink it when it cools down a little. This tea has a unique taste. Adding honey to your tea will make it tastier.
This is not the case if the end justifies the means. The main thing is that losing extra weight does not lose your health. Below you will find a list of the 5 best slimming teas that are prepared from natural ingredients and help you lose weight without harming your body.
Diet and sports are great at fighting extra weight. However, adding special tea to your diet can increase its effectiveness and speed up the process. A list of the best natural teas for weight loss will help you make your choice.
It revitalizes, strengthens health, promotes digestion, and above all, helps to lose weight. The drink is made from 3 teaspoons of milk. Regular black tea and “warm” spices-nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, anise, all spices. Mix one of the spices or several at a time.
Masala tea is very effective in satisfying hunger. If you drink it 20 minutes before meals, you won’t eat too much.
It has many beneficial properties. This tea is Tencha Matcha. It improves immunity, stimulates brain activity, is filled with energy, helps forget stress, and most importantly, for those who are losing weight, it speeds up metabolic processes.
It contains catechins, which break down fat and remove excess water from the body. Natural leaf tea is best brewed. Ignore tea bags and flavoured teas. It has no effect.
Nettle is an important source of vitamins and minerals. The tea made from it is especially suitable for those who are deficient in nutrients due to a harsh diet. Nettle is effective not only for overweight but also for vascular fragility.
Blackberry leaf injection is good as it has few contraindications. These include only small intestinal conditions, stomach and kidney diseases.
To make tea, put a teaspoon of boiling water in a glass. Allow the leaves to dry and leave for up to 20 minutes. It’s worth a drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
Beautiful skin is said to be an eternal theme, but what kind of skin care do you usually make?
I think there are various ways to make your skin beautiful, such as careful skin care and sweating by exercising or taking a bath, but it seems that drinking “tea” that is may not familiar to you but is also effective!!
Therefore, this time, we would like to introduce the recommended best tea for skin so that “you can expect a beautiful skin effect!”
It’s a good idea to continue for at least 3 months and get into the habit of drinking every day!
The first tea we recommend is Coix tea, which has been loved in Japan for a long time. Coix seeds are expected to have a high skin-beautifying effect as they are sometimes used in lotion.
Not only it enhances metabolism and moisturize, but it also has a draining effect that cures pimples and other pimples.
It has a more fragrant flavour than barley tea and can be drunk even if it is warm. Recommended for anyone who wants to “improve skin problems” and “improve blood circulation in the skin”!
However, it seems that it has a discharge effect, so please refrain from pregnant women.
The next recommended tea that has a beautiful skin effect is black soybean tea, which has been popular for a long time.
Black beans are always used in New Year dishes, aren’t they?
This black soybean is a kind of soybean, and the seed coat contains polyphenol and anthocyanin.
Anthocyanins have antioxidant properties, so they protect against active oxygen, which accelerates skin aging!
Therefore, it is said to be the perfect tea for aging care. If you want to purchase, you can check from here.
In addition, it is rich in nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and iron that modern women tend to lack, and it seems to support the improvement of swelling.
Burdock tea is a tea that is attracting attention among beauticians.
The secret of its popularity is that it can be expected to have not only a skin-beautifying effect but also a dieting effect and an anti-aging effect!
Burdock contains a water-soluble dietary fiber called inulin.
This inulin is said to be effective for dieting because it has the function of discharging fat and sugar, which are the natural enemies of dieting.
It also contains a component called saponin, which is a type of polyphenol and has an antioxidant effect, so it also suppresses skin aging.
It’s fragrant has a refreshing aftertaste, and is delicious, so many people say, “Even if you don’t like burdock as it is, you can drink tea.”
The next recommended tea with a beautiful skin effect is Houttuynia cordata!
Houttuynia cordata is a tea native to Southeast Asia, and its name comes from “Dokudami,” which means to suppress poison.
Not only beauty aspects such as improvement of rough skin, constipation, swelling, but also recovery from fatigue, relief of menstrual pain, prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, etc. It also supports your health.
It has a bitter taste and a medicinal taste, so I think some people may not get used to it at first, but once they get used to it, they can drink it deliciously.
However, some people may feel sick or stuffy, so be careful not to drink too much and stop if you feel it doesn’t fit!
Jasmine tea, which is popular as a tea preferred by women, is also effective for beautiful skin.
After all, jasmine tea is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and minerals, which are essential ingredients for beautiful skin.
In addition, it can be expected to have the effect of promoting fat burning and suppressing appetite, so it also supports dieting.
It seems that the unique scent of jasmine tea also has a relaxing effect, so the effect that women want is packed.
Pu-erh tea, which is the same Chinese tea as jasmine tea, is also a tea that can be expected to have a skin-beautifying effect that is popular among beauty lovers. You can expect the effect of improvement and prevention.
It is also famous as a tea that can be expected to suppress fat absorption, and many women use it for dieting!
In addition, it can be expected to improve swelling, improve the intestinal environment, and improve sensitivity to cold.
However, since this tea is “aged tea” made by fermenting leaves with mold, some people seem to feel the smell of mold.
It doesn’t hurt your health, and if you’re not worried about the smell, you can drink a cup of pu-erh tea.
Rosehip tea is a tea that many women love, and it looks cute and looks great on Instagram.
Not only the appearance and deliciousness but also the nutritional components contained in rosehip tea enhance the female power.
Rosehip tea is rich in vitamins that are indispensable for beautiful skin so that it is called a “vitamin bomb”.
Not only beautiful skin but also whitening effects can be expected, so it can be said that people who want to “emphasize beautiful skin” and “want to whiten” should drink this tea.
If it’s sour and difficult to drink, add a little honey to make it easier to drink!
Lastly, rooibos tea is drunk by many women who want a beautiful skin effect. Rooibos tea is a South African-born tea that has long been known locally as a “miracle tea.”
It is also called “tea for immortality and longevity” because it can be expected to have a high anti-aging effect. The secret of its popularity is that it has a clean aftertaste and is easy to drink!
Please stick to good quality such as non-caffeine and organic ones. You can also check from here.
It is important to be aware of your eating habits and to exercise moderately, but if you add the tea you drink every day and continue to drink it, it will be easier to get started.
The best-known blend of milk tea is black tea. This combination seems to come from 1680 in France, where the nobles served their guests something totally new, tea with milk. And this is an easy process if you want to know how to make tea with tea bag.
If you have not yet drunk such a tea, buy a very good black tea, milk, and sweetener from Green Sugar (with zero calories and zero glycemic indexes) if you take care of your figure!
Pour hot water into the cup, put the sachet of black tea in the cup, and leave for 3-5 minutes (depending on how much bitter taste we want the tea). After this interval, take out the teabag, add the milk and sugar, mix, and then wait 5-6 minutes, until the milk tea reaches the ideal temperature to be consumed.
Very aromatic or very strong teas go perfectly with a drop of milk. You can follow the same process if you want to know how to make a cup of tea with milk and sugar.
And if you want to know how to make tea with milk powder and tea bag you can also follow this recipe; just add 2 tablespoons of powder milk instead of 10 ml of milk.
To prepare milk tea for weight loss, you will need low-fat milk. Completely skim milk does not work. Milk fat is essential for the successful breakdown of fat in the body.
You can choose any tea to your liking. We recommend choosing tea leaves that are free of additives and flavors.
Actually, there are various recipes for milk tea. Milk is heated without boiling or foaming.
You can pour 1 teaspoon of tea leaf into 1 cup of warm milk. The drink is brewed until it reaches the desired strength. Then it is filtered and drunk. To make weight loss milk tea, weight loss products can be made by mixing separately and brewed black tea and milk in a 1:1 ratio.
Or you can pour 1 liter of hot milk tea into a thermos and drink all day long. Chilled milk is allowed. In this case, you have to store it in the refrigerator.
Milk tea is good at eliminating hunger. It can be taken between meals or on an empty stomach. Remember, milk tea is not a substitute for water. With milk tea, you need to consume the required amount of water.
Since most of the caffeine in the tea is released in the first 30 seconds of infusion, pour the boiling water over the black tea and wait 30 seconds, then discard that first infusion, saving the leaves for making that ‘decaf’ the tea you’re going to drink.
Note: There are many ways of preparing tea, following different traditions: the Chinese have particular ways of making tea, different from those used in Japan or Korea, and also different from the ways used in the West. However, wherever you are, you can easily make tea by following the above instructions.
As with the teapot, the choice of the container to drink will depend on the tea and its origin.
The cups will be used rather for tasting English tea (tea-time), for Darjeeling, red or green teas, scented teas.
The small bowls will be used for tasting Chinese tea (Gong Fu Cha).
The large bowls will be used for the tasting of Japanese tea (Cha No Yu).
Big size glasses will be used for the tasting of Russian tea (Samovar). Small size glasses will be used for tasting Moroccan tea.
We also use tall enough glasses (like our orangeade glasses) for iced tea (USA).
Or the tasting of Long Jing which is a Chinese green tea. We often see the tea leaves “going up and down” in the glass.
Also called Gaiwan.
It is a type of Chinese and Taiwanese bowl with a hollow saucer and a lid.
It is often used for Wulong teas or some green teas.
We leave the leaves that are blocked by the lid when drinking. We will add hot water to make several infusions.
You can also use Zhong as a teapot and pour the liquor into small Chinese bowls.
The tea leaves are rolled or folded. The hot water that is poured over allows them to open: their size can then double, triple, or even much more for some teas.
So tea needs space to flourish and give the best of itself.
The Ideal: infuse your tea in a teapot (which gives the leaves all the space desired) then transfer (through a colander to keep the leaves) into another teapot to taste. But you will have more dishes to do!
The chai masala in India is almost a Religion. It is known as Chai Masala to Indian spiced tea, traditional from the south but now drunk everywhere. This tea from India is a tradition and is made with a mixture of warm spices with a variety of recipes.
It is a mixture of tea with spices and aromatic herbs. It is widely consumed by the popular classes and can be found everywhere. On the streets, in parks, trains, and official buildings … you meet the vendors, the chaiwallahs. The traditional version of the masala chai uses the species known as hot: Cardamom, cloves, pepper, star anise, ginger and cinnamon. To make masala tea, there is no fixed recipe, and many families make their own version.
The Assam area of northern India is very productive at growing tea, but historically locals viewed it as a medicine rather than a day-to-day drink. In the 1830s British settlers began cultivating tea plantations locally. In 1900 the tea grown in India accounted for 50% of the total consumed in Great Britain.
But tea consumption in India was still low, but the English promoted it at the beginning of the 20th century, persuading the mines and textile factories to provide their workers with breaks that included black tea.
The Indians began to drink a mixture of the English style (with milk) mixed with the local spices, which gave rise to the Indian tea as we know it today.
As we said, the Chai Masala is a drink with a tea base and flavored with a mixture of spices. These are the so-called warm, and although the recipe varies, it usually includes cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, anise, pepper, nutmeg … In India, each family usually has its own recipe for Chai Masala.
Let’s see the recipe.
Ingredients of Indian Masala Chai Tea:
Preparation Of Indian Chai Masala Tea:
Place all the spices and black tea in a dry bowl, mix everything well with the help of your hands or a spoon. A mortar can be used as well.
Put the water in a pot and let it come to a boil. Then add the mixture of spices, black tea, and milk, turn off the heat, cover the pot, and let it rest for 5 minutes. Strain and add sugar or sweetener to taste.
It is advisable not to let it boil for a long time because it increases the bitter taste.
I have seen people using this method in the office with only a kettle and a cup, so because it is possible, it is possible.
The tea ceremony is of Chinese origin and in itself quite sophisticated, but the Japanese adopted it and made it true art.
To prepare tea with this method, we will use more tea with less water, which will give us smaller, more changeable, and flavorful infusions. It is a method to enjoy tea, take a break and forget about everything, it even serves to meditate.
We will use 2-3 teaspoons with little water (100-200ml) for very short infusions. There are teacher recommendations to infuse from 15 to 60 seconds. As you can see, it still depends a lot on each one. Find your measurement.
To follow the tea ceremony there are some basic elements and other optional ones, do not be obsessed with having it all.
A Trick: For light teas, pour the water very slowly over the edge of the teapot or gaiwan without directly touching the tea. This way we will get it to cool just enough. If the tea is good and especially if it is toasted, it will withstand direct hot water better. Try and find out how you like it best.
To make Tea with the Chinese Method you can try this Tea ceremony “Tea Master” edition Set.
To prepare a good cup of tea, each of the elements is important. The goal is to find the flavors of tea not masked by those of water or other external elements.
The palate changes over time, time of day, or mood. We can prefer a tea-infused for a longer or shorter time, more or less concentrated.
Everything can vary. The most important thing, and whatever some may say, is to indulge yourself while enjoying your tea.
The advice given above about how to make tea may seem obvious to some but may help beginners.
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